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Sunday, December 29, 2024

An Upcoming Year of Powerful Expectations - Believe it!


As we bring to a close another year, prepare and believe that you are in for a powerful year of Positive Expecations!  What has been, is over and done, and you must believe for yourself, with everything within you, that your desires and hard work put in over the past year will manifest in the coming days....weeks and months.  This is your year! 

If you maintain a consistent and faithful momentum of positivity and energetic can't lose. 

I often ask people: What would you be doing if you weren't afraid? What if you boldly set aside the resistance of all the distractions of....the buts and what ifs......and simply moved forward in the calling on your life.  Make the offering that you were created to gift to the world.......Step out and just start the thing......Nothing happens until you set the gift of your belief into motion. 

Things didn't work out (from your perspective) this past year, but I believe things worked for you this year.  You're now equipped with useful information of what didn't fit in, so that you can continue aligning with your purpose and moving forward.  

Anticipate positively for your next move! Don't resist ------ Look forward to an upcoming Year of Powerful Expected Blessings......Believe it and move in the direction to receive it wholeheartedly without resistance. 

Are you ready? Get Ready ------ Say goodbye and thank you to all that you survived this past year and open your arms to embrace a new, fresh reset of glorious beginnings! 

Happiest upcoming New Year - Love & Light! :)

@brendagale 2024 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Universe has your back - it's for your good!


Don't spend too much time fuming, ruminating and focusing on revenge due to an unjustifiable wrongdoing.

This exercise will rob you of the great present moments that you should engulf yourself in.  Remind yourself that you have breath and greatness and you're innately equipped for each leg of your journey. Find solace in knowing that the universe will even the score. 

Take a step back and recall when someone has wronged you and you chose to "get even" simply placed undo stress on your life....your organs, your sleep and you wasted time by not  positively focusing on what was ahead awaiting you. 

Sit back....relax and just know: All things are working together for your greatest good! 

Oftentimes we can't see the proverbial forest for the trees because we are insecure about the stability of what we thought should be maintained.  Surrender to greater and greater will envelope your life.

Do not waste another trying to "get even" - Your perceived strengths of retaliation don't compare to the balancing of the scales that the karmic universe will work out on your behalf. 

It's all for your good - Surrender - choose the path of least resistance. Relax and look forward to what is to come for you! 

Love + Light 💗


Thursday, December 21, 2023

The End / The Beginning

As we conclude another year (2023) filled with wins, losses, economic turnmoil and celebrations, we anticipate the dawning of a brand new day/year (2024) 

Now is the time to focus on The Present.  The present, in a sense, becomes both the end and the beginning. Stop procrastinating about the thing you want to do.....stop overthinking and just get on with it. 

Write the book, the song....take the trip, etc., blah blah and blah. Please stop seeking validation for the things that are singing within your soul.  If your life is crying out for you to execute, you don't really need any external validation.  The motivatation/inclination in and of itself is all the validation you need. 

Celebrate and bury the end and look forward to a bright, wonderful and glorious New Year! 

@brendagale 2023

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy New You (Year)

 As we enter into a New Year, many are spouting well wishes for new beginnings and popping champagne bottles to either celebrate the ending of a tumultuous year or the beginning of a hopeful new one...who knows, but let's put into perspective what the celebration is all about. 

Year after year...many write out and proclaim resolutions to complete unfinished business from the prior year or to start on a dream that's been delayed for days, weeks, months and several years, however, they're missing the point of resolutions.  If your mindset hasn't evolved from those past days, weeks, months or years, what leads you to believe that your ability to execute in 2022 will be realized. 

I have a better idea:  Instead of proclaiming resolutions, which many have zero intention of executing on....focus on being present in the evolution of your mindset.....Reset and get serious about your actual Intention to Execute!  No resolutions.......Intentions, instead! 

Execute on a different mindset, which will inevitably push you into being aware of your intentions....and you'll move in the direction of what is really important to you this New Year....Focus on the New YOU and the New Year will fall into place. 

Wishing you the Happiest New YOU for a New Year - 2022! 

@BrendaGale 2022

Sunday, April 11, 2021

What is ever normal?

 So today the sun is bright.....really bright. It looks and potentially feels "normal" again, but I know there is no such thing.  The pandemic has allowed me to reconcile with the fact that there is no "normal"...that Life Just is. Life is how we're choosing and responding.  This is not to minimize the atrocities that families have faced and now certainly have to construct a "new normal" for themselves and communities have to rebuild from other calamities. 

So much has been shaking the core of individuals, communities and organizations as of late and we're all coming to terms with what life really is all about.  What is Normal? Is there truly a normal or is each present moment what presents at that time.  Perhaps we've defined normal as what has been acceptable or historical, but today, you can redefine what your Normal becomes.  You can define how normal looks and feels and allow it to change over time.  

Don't box yourself into a status quo.....Soar like an Eagle....Eagles are not normal......Don't be part of the crowd....Stand Out  - Thrive - Allow "normal" to become subjective and recreate what is good, pleasing and acceptable in your sight! What is really ever normal?  You Decide. 

Spread Love: Stay Safe - Practice social distancing - Wash Your Hands - Wear a Mask - Get vaccinated! 

@BrendaGale 2021

Sunday, March 22, 2020

This too shall pass

When you find yourself in the midst of a "new normal" you come to recognize that you've been neglecting a few things and taking too much for granted.

Image result for free images spring flowersMany people are experiencing fear, anxiety, paranoia, panic and loss of self.  Introverts who've relied upon their extrovert friends for balance are now faced with having to go inside and learn to appreciate the full breadth and appreciation of you they truly are as a whole, unique being. This can be a beautiful time, if you receive it as such.

This will the meantime, take heed to scientific data and accept that this unprecedented time in our history (at least during my lifetime) will pass and that this virus has no respect of person.  It does not discriminate.  It has touched lives across the globe and if you don't learn anything else from this experience, learn that:  Life is fragile.  Take time to check things off the "to do" list....finish that book, put the final (or beginning) touches on that painting, create the short film, compile the research for the idea that's been brewing in your head for weeks, months...years. Make the call to the person whom you've made excuses of "being too busy" for. Learn how to prepare your own healthy meals.

This is the time to be grateful that you have a "wake-up call" to global perspective.  Take nothing for granted....Be Kind.....Be Compassionate....Be Thoughtful....Be Helpful.  This temporary "new normal" can become a life-changing Now Normal that we've all needed to be reminded just how fragile life is.  It's all about Community....Humanity. Time to take internal inventory.

Stay Safe...Wash your hands....strengthen your immunity.

This Too Shall Pass,


Friday, December 13, 2019

Coming to the end for a new beginning

And we are again -The end of another year. For you, it may be the end of a relationship, job, business venture...whatever the case may be, see it as an end making a way for a new beginning.

This time around, don't fret when you reach a bend in the road.  Adjust what needs to be adjusted and keep it moving.  Don't second-guess what the Universe is introducing you to.....go with the Path of least resistance, breathe and see where it takes you. 

Be grateful for each opportunity that presented itself in this past year. Give Thanks for each encounter, victory, so-called failure, because it was part of the assignment. 

Farewell to what has come to an needed to happen in order for this beautiful new beginning, new page, new chapter, fresh start to beckon you to what is waiting for your arrival. You're ready for this - Flow in your next assignment.