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Friday, May 6, 2011

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.

The world is a mysterious place full of troubles, obstacles, challenges, hard times, ghettos and those without, but we must also take time to think of the success stories that the world has produced as well. It is a little known fact that a lot of millionaires were not even college graduates, some not even high school graduates. Sam Walton grew up in middle class America and grew his chain of stores into a billion dollar chain, of what we now call Wal-Mart. Chris Gardner, a man with no home, no wife and a kid to take care of at the age of 26, is now a successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker, who had a movie made after his life story, named the Pursuit of Happyness. This world can be cold and cruel if you let it, but if you just look at every obstacle as a new challenge that you are more than able to overcome, your suffering will be minimal, and your rewards will be great!

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