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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Today I will honor all of my relations

Spiritually, we are all family.  We are mother, father, brother, sister and children of one another. As spiritual family, we are inseparable.  We all breathe the same air that is connected to the same Source; we are all connected to the same Source by the rhythm of breath.  Just like a family, we will have our differences, yet we can be different and still be a family.  Just like a family, we will have our rebels and outcasts, but we must still include them in the family circle.  Just as a family sits and eats together, we must make certain that there is enough for everyone.  Just as a family comes together and shares, we must stop holding back and taking away from the family.  Blood may be thicker than water, but it is the water of life that will keep us connected. As we learn to see each other through our spiritual eyes, the physical differences will cease to matter.

When we learn to honor the differences and appreciate the mix, we're in harmony.

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