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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sunlight for the dreary day.......

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Melody of Your Life

The tune remains familiar                                              
I love the highs and even lows,                          
I love the way the melody captures
my heart and endlessly

I dance and hum its melody
The key is perfect, measured with precision,
no need for transposing nor ad- libbing....
it's perfect, as is.

That tune - yes, I remember
the sounds are like a soft snowfall, gentle raindrops,
sometimes a chilly night, a warm summer day...
It feels the way it sounds.

I remember the words, the sights, the sounds,
the tones, the chord changes
The tune remains familiar, hoping that
it never fades away.......

The tune is indeed familiar,
It's the rhythm of the Life and the Love
that you've left with me,
I play it often and hear it deep
within my soul.....
An endless melody.

The tune - the song of your life,
I'm in love with this melody,
it's stuck in my head and
carved into my heart.....
Your Life's Melody.

When I see a flower bloom,
I hear the melody.
The sound of the birds singing,
I hear the melody.
Fresh air and sometimes, baked bread
this music ...this melody;
The rhythm during a rainfall,
Drip, Drop....three, four.

The melody, the sound,
the rhythm...
My heartbeat keeps the rhythm
to the melody that plays forever
of your Life.... in mine; Your Life's Melody.

copyright© 2011 Brenda Gale

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Blessings!

Let us remember that, as much as has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

Monday, November 21, 2011

I Live.......

The day is beautiful and life is good. During this season, the grass is not as green, yet my feet are still above the ground and on this grass. The air has a chill, yet the sun shines brightly, so I breathe and I don't complain.  The days now seem shorter, but nothing has changed about the span of time.  The day is still beautiful and life is still good.  I'm thankful.....I'm experiencing.....I'm recalling, remembering and  planning.....I live.....I live.....I choose and I Live!

copyright© 2011 Brenda Gale

(Painting artist Unknown) -orangebaobabafricaart


For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends
,For everything Thy goodness sends.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

R.I.P. Champ ~ Joe Frazier, a former heavyweight champion and boxing legend, died Monday night after a battle with liver cancer. Prayers and condolences to his Family & Friends....

Frazier, who died Monday night after a brief battle with liver cancer at the age of 67, will forever be linked to Ali. But no one in boxing would ever dream of anointing Ali as The Greatest unless he, too, was linked to Smokin' Joe.  Full story:

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month

  Duck- Blackfoot tribe.                                                                                      

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Diana Ross on the set of 'Mahogany' 1975....I love this photo shot by Gianni Lami - Vintage Black Glamour

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Soar into your destiny.......Choose, Respond and Change!

Every human has four endowments:  self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination.  This gives us the ultimate human freedom: the power to Choose, to Respond and to Change. - Stephen R. Covey

That's right....YOU have the POWER to Change based on your choices and responses.  If you don't like the way things are going in your life.....only YOU have that power to make a difference and make a change.  Your response to how comfortable or uncomfortable you are will  be the evidence of the changes that you create in your your Life.

Don't allow a new year to unfold and  find you doing the 'same things' hoping for 'different results'....Not gonna happen.  It's like 'garbage in-garbage out'........Seeds planted will bring forth a harvest of like-kind, so plant(plan) what you desire to every single area of your life. Choose, Respond....Change.

YOU have the POWER to make the Change! It's time for you to SOAR!