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Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Universe has your back - it's for your good!


Don't spend too much time fuming, ruminating and focusing on revenge due to an unjustifiable wrongdoing.

This exercise will rob you of the great present moments that you should engulf yourself in.  Remind yourself that you have breath and greatness and you're innately equipped for each leg of your journey. Find solace in knowing that the universe will even the score. 

Take a step back and recall when someone has wronged you and you chose to "get even" simply placed undo stress on your life....your organs, your sleep and you wasted time by not  positively focusing on what was ahead awaiting you. 

Sit back....relax and just know: All things are working together for your greatest good! 

Oftentimes we can't see the proverbial forest for the trees because we are insecure about the stability of what we thought should be maintained.  Surrender to greater and greater will envelope your life.

Do not waste another trying to "get even" - Your perceived strengths of retaliation don't compare to the balancing of the scales that the karmic universe will work out on your behalf. 

It's all for your good - Surrender - choose the path of least resistance. Relax and look forward to what is to come for you! 

Love + Light 💗
