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My Expressions

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Bury those sounds in your head

Silence the voice that
tells you "you can't"
Quiet the noise that
says: "don't try"
Stifle the sounds that
remind you to give up
Bury those sounds
in your head.

Have you noticed that you can be your worst enemy at times?  It's not about the circumstances or present situations we tend to find ourselves in, but the noise that we continue to tune into in our own heads.  It's not the voices of the naysayers, doubters, criticizers and the haters....but us buying into their messages and continuing to replay the doubt in our heads.

There really shouldn't be an enemy on the outside who is capable of distracting/discouraging/stopping/limiting/attempting to derail you from achieving the goals that you've set and envisioned for yourself.  Your story begins and ends with the courage that you'll muster up to take the necessary steps for walking the road of your own journey and pressing daily into whatever shows up on the road.  Change that tune in your head, believe in the dream, the vision....the goal.

...Believe in YOU and:

Silence the voice that
tells you "you can't"
Quiet the noise that
says: "don't try"
Stifle the sounds that
remind you to give up
Bury those sounds
in your head.
© 2015 Brenda Gale

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Find a way

I'm finding new ways
to hear from the inside out
New ways to find space
to create what's beautiful
from within.

I'm finding new ways
to share what I'm hearing
to manifest in
the space that I've cleared.

Have you found a way...
do you hear your voice, 
did you clear the space,
to share all the beauty
from within....If not,
Find a way....
© 2015 Brenda Gale

Friday, January 9, 2015

Within the silence

 The deafening sound
of a voice silenced
A voice that no longer
speaks, but now beckons
for me to listen

The ending of a story
of a life that was truly
Inviting me to this new
way of hearing

The deafening silence
of the laughter, the
long talks...the opinions
No longer

The beginning of
a new way of hearing
Inviting me to now listen
Listen to the memories
the laughter, the long talks
the opinions,
within the silence
© 2015 Brenda Gale

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Bring about change

She looked around as she danced
and remembered
How yesterday passed so
quickly, so quietly
without much disturbance
without much pain
without much occasion
without much change

She looked around as she danced
and noticed
How today passes so
quickly, so quietly
without much disturbance
without much pain
without much occasion
without much change

So she decided to
create new memories
Shake things up a bit
Disturb the peace
Feel the pain
Attend the occasions
That bring about change.
© 2014 Brenda Gale

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Too Much....

Sometimes you feel
Too much
Too much
Too much
from this world

Sometimes more than enough
Is Felt
More than is listened to
Is Heard
More than is wanted
Is Received
from this world

Sometimes Enough
becomes too much
for some.....
Too much is
Far too much
For Some....
and they break,
they shatter,
they burst...they dream
they sleep.....
© 2014 Brenda Gale

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Release Me

Your gifts cry out
and scream "Release Me..
I want to be shared,
I want to be free,
not left in this prison
of fear within thee."

Your dreams, they lie dormant
won't glimpse the daylight
won't breathe fresh air
won't rest until night

Tucked in and settled
for less than you are
Not striving, just doubtful
Not living by far

Your gifts cry out
and scream "Release Me..
I want to be free,
not left in this prison
of fear within thee."

Release Me and Live
Share Me and Give
Celebrate and Thrive
Release Me....
© 2014 Brenda Gale

Friday, April 18, 2014

Reality as Truth

love flower*
Reality as Truth
Reducing the imagination to
Helping me to imagine
and change  more of
what is my Truth.

Reality as Truth
holding me accountable
for acceptance of what is
Reality.....holding me
Accountable for changing my Reality...
Helping me live through
what is now the Truth.

Truth is Real
Reality is Truth
Reducing the imagination to
dwell in enhanced possibilities
of what can be changed...increasing more
of my truth, the reality of
what will be....Accepting
Reality....Changed Reality as Truth!
© 2014 Brenda Gale

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Gather sweet memories

With the hole that's left when a life
suddenly flies away
Memories shall remain of the
life that takes flight

Gather moments to recall
Enjoy times that will soon
become thoughts of
yesterday, of yesteryear

The holes will be left to fill
with sweet times, good times
memories of love, laughter,
the best of times and the
worst of times.

Gather moments to recall
Enjoy times that will soon
become thoughts of
yesterday...of yesteryear

When that life takes flight
When that soul soars on
When only memories will
sustain you....Gather now.
© 2014 Brenda Gale

Monday, February 10, 2014

Flying Free

Flying free, so I'm
Flying High
Flying High,
Because I'm
Flying Free

Soaring to the
Heights that
I was created to reach
Soaring High...Soaring Free.

No weights or
shackles or
chains on me
I'm Flying as High
as I am Free!
© 2014 Brenda Gale

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Soul Set Free

The soul longs to be free
Untethered, relieved
surrendered to the place
that it was bound to be

Journeying and seeking
longing for rest
For peace, for quiet..
Calmness, at best

Discovering the soul place
growing in that space
Giving the best that
the soul has to give

Emptied of dead space
Filled with renewed grace
Flourishing and living
as a Soul Set Free
© 2013 Brenda Gale

This place

Photo: ...There's a place where you thrive, a place where your soul simply opens up and you're able to spill the very best of who you are in that space.  Find that place....bask in that space....Deliver the best that you have to offer....while engaged there.  Seek that space....grow there....make peace there....stay soulful your Soul-space! - Enjoy today - Peace, Light & Love! <3There is a place where time stands still /where the world stops turning / And you're in the zone of being every bit of all of You.

There is a place where your soul just opens up / you find yourself pouring out the very best of all that you have to offer

Seek this place and rest there /find solace there and rest there /Go there often /Create and spill your soul in this place, through song, dance, words

Your Soul-Space /your heart's refuge /your energized environment for creating the life that has
been placed inside of you

Go to the Soul-space /Go there - create there- breathe new life there /space out in the frequency of your Soul-space!
© 2013 Brenda Gale

Monday, September 30, 2013

Don't wait....Choose

Still deciding which road to take
which way to turn
what move to make?
Don't take too long
for life won't wait
Days come and go
and still you wait....

Decide and choose
the road to take
the way to turn
the move to make

Don't take so long
 to Live your life
on the road you choose
at the turn you make live your life...
Don't wait...Choose.
© 2013 Brenda Gale

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Love Became Me....

Love became this place where memories were unpacked, when stored
Love became a melody that reminded me of life unlived
Love became a fragrance that was blooming in the springtime
Love became the fuel that lifted me, reminded me, encouraged me and carried me
Love became Me!
© 2013 Brenda Gale

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Losing count of the years
Fighting back the tears
Yet still remembering you

As blossoms bloom
And  fragrance fills a room
Memories flood and contain me

The chirping of birds
The sound of rain
Those familiar tunes and the refrain
Reminds me of you

Love never dies,
Never separates
Its presence always leads...
Always Guides...and protects

Counting now, the years
Yet fighting back the tears
That still flow...that will flow
As I'm reminded of you...
© 2011 -  2013 Brenda Gale

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Photo: Love generously and Live your life fully and completely....Don't dare die  an unlived life......<3 

Gather quickly...Out of darkness...All the songs you know...And throw them at the sun...Before they melt...Like snow.  - Langston Hughes
Reconcile yourself to your life
Redeem the time ....
by holding fast to what you've dreamed throwing caution to the wind and running where the crowd dare not go
Reconcile you....

Develop a consistency of belief
in knowing that you came fully equipped
for the assignment that you've been given to fulfill your soul's purpose

Redeem the time....
to pour all
of you out......
Reconcile your life with yourself.
© 2013 Brenda Gale

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I was here with you.....

I've walked this path many times, but
will the leaves know I've been here
will the flowers know that I leaned
and sniffed their fragrance
admired their colors

will the ground know that it was me
who trampled upon its head
will the rain remember splashing
the cool brilliance of its splendor
on a warm summer day
upon my head, my face, my brow

Will earth remember that I was here
.... appreciate that I cared
..... accept my gratitude for
its presence  all around

Will the sun even know that I smiled
and rejoiced each time it rose
Will the moon smile knowing that its
glow reminded me of another day
of life enjoyed and well lived

Will you know....that it was me
that I was here...and I adored
and I admired...and I reveled
and I stopped and appreciated
every bit of who you are

I hope you know
that I was here....and I saw you
and I knew you....and you nurtured
all of me......yes, I was here with you
and you with me.
© 2013 Brenda Gale

This too, shall pass

It shall pass
It will not last
It comes and
It goes
and it passes

All trials
and tribulations
Good times
and bad, they
come and go
and pass

Even the birds
in the rain
know that it doesn't last
for they too,
recognize that it passes.

The heartache,
the pain
The successes
and whatever drains
it comes and
it goes
and it passes.

Do what you're dreaming of,
what you heart aches for
because this life
will pass
Yes....this too shall pass.
© 2012 Brenda Gale

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Broken .... Open

Broken Open and moving closer
to where I belong
Broken....but open to hearing
the voice that calls
for me to be all that I am.

No longer staying in a place
where the soil isn't rich
No longer willing to settle for
the smaller version of myself...

Open to allowing you to be
introduced to all that I have
to give....willingly, as I'm

Broken Open to the sky
that I must see,
the sky that is truly blue
in my me

Broken Open and moving closer
to where I belong
Broken....but open to hearing
the voice that calls
for me to be all that I am.

Broken Open to Being Me!© 2012 Brenda Gale

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Yes....I've heard you

Yes...I've heard you
You didn't waste a thousand words
I listened and I heard
I read and tried
to understand how you could
compile those words
choose those lyrics
Words that you knew were
fleeting, with no reality attached.

Yes, I've listened and I've heard
I've oftentimes felt and imagined
but knew that these were words
to comfort you, not me
Words that would give you the
love that you needed
the love that you were missing
craving....imagining...flirting with.

Yes, I've listened and I've heard you
I've sensed that you've wanted the words
to come to life, knowing that you struggle
with being strong enough to choose
to live the words that you write
the words that I hear
the songs that you sing
the lyrics that I see.

Yes, I've heard what you've said
I hear what you say
but I know that these words are
for you.....not me.
© 2012 Brenda Gale

My Destiny

Hearing the voice that's calling
and reminding me to grow into
everything that has been planted
within my being.

I'm adhering to the voice that
directs me to soar
to heights that bring me to
my destiny.

Humming along with the melody
that harmonizes within my soul
that gives me freedom and room
to fly, to glide, to excel into my

Hearing the voice and following
the lead....of my spirit,
my stirring which leads into the destiny
of me!
© 2012 Brenda Gale

Live YOUR life

Not your life, but mine
My life...not yours
Live your life....yours
Your life...not mine.

It's time to Live
the life that was intended
the life that fills your soul
the void that must be filled

It's time to get this right
It's time to live this life
My life, not yours
Your life, not mine
YOUR life!© 2012 Brenda Gale

Right now living

At this very moment .... laughing
The joy of the moment when dancing
Facing life and singing
Recalling all that's good.

In life we have this canvas
It's empty but prepped for paint
Put all your colors on it
Don't waste a design...just paint.

Live, Love and Laugh
As loud as you can for now
For now is all that you have
This moment, this time.....right now!
© 2012 Brenda Gale

Thursday, July 19, 2012

It Ends....

It does...and it will
End... that is
All good things
and all the bad,
Will End.

Enjoy what is good
what could be good
Make it better
...make it best.

It does ...and it will
While You can...
Enjoy it
Whatever it is.

Acknowledge it
Remind it
Display it
Exploit it
Bask in it....'s here
for a time, a season....
It will End!...Love it until the end......
© 2012 Brenda Gale

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Symbols dancing and responding
to my emotions
Clouds forming, sometimes raining
down my tears.
Dusk appearing and starting
a new cycle
Of remembering what
once was and what
could have been.
Symbols dancing and responding
to my happiness
flowers blooming and reflecting
all life's beauty
Sunshine beaming
and warming hearts that have been cold
Soft wind blowing
stirring and refreshing more
of what I've learned, what
I've lost, what I've found,
What I've loved.
Symbols dancing
reminding me
of life
of good
of Love.
© 2012 Brenda Gale

I Choose, because....I can

I'll make choices today, because I can....
How Sweet it is...
There's pleasure in knowing that I can Choose.

I'm reading and writing, protecting and fighting, loving and leaving, staying and cleaving, simply...Because I can......choose.

I'll make choices today, just as I did yesterday, yes....because I can.
This divine gift....this pleasure of freedom.....this beauty of choosing....This awareness of being able to......Choose.
Are you aware that you can
Have you been awakened to your choices,
your options? You have Choose....
to Love.....
To decide on those things that bring to your life.....
Love, strength, beauty.....freedom.
Choose.....Because you can.....
That's why I do it.......Because I can!

copyright© 2012 Brenda Gale

Moving On......

Today she awakens and decides to place her feet on the floor.
She stands and stretches, but still remembers
She remembers, but doesn't dwell
Time to keep moving...time to move on.

Open the curtains,  the sun is still shining and the birds are in full chorus.
 No the world did not stop spinning....
The days aren't as long as you've imagined them to be.  Keep moving.....move on.

She opens the windows and breathes in fresh air.....her lungs now expanded, but thoughts are still there.....Thoughts of all......She remembers, can't forget.....but
Time to keep moving.....time to move on. Move on to healing.....

Time will bring healing.....pain will bring lessons.....lessons will bring sharing......sharing will bring love.
Time to keep moving....time to Move on.

copyright© 2012 Brenda Gale


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Even on a rainy day.......

Today is rainy, cold and not as pretty as a day filled with beaming sunshine. is still a day filled with opportunity and expectancy for 'all good things.' Even on a rainy day, you can find pleasure in the simple things......reading a book, listening to music, sharing a cup of tea/coffee with a great friend or simply just 'being' and listening to the rain.  Yes, even on a rainy day, you can be thankful that you were able to place your feet on the floor this morning and stretch your body and move into a day where your value is appreciated.

Even on a rainy day....the rain sounds wonderful falling on the rooftops and splashing against the windowpane.  A washing away,.....a cleansing......a renewing and a reminder to complete those unfinished tasks.....yes....Even on a rainy's still another beautiful day!

A rainy day compels you to get those 'inside things' taken care of....not necessarily in the world of inside work, but the inside work of the soul.  Allow the rain to motivate you to wash away sadness, despair, depression, doom and gloom.  Recharge while the raindrops are falling.....Propel yourself into a new, dry arena of possibilities. Dry the tears, if they're can do all of this.......'even on a rainy day.'


Monday, November 28, 2011

The Melody of Your Life

The tune remains familiar                                            
I love the highs and even lows,                        
I love the way the melody captures
my heart and endlessly

I dance and hum its melody
The key is perfect, measured with precision,
no need for transposing nor ad- libbing....
it's perfect, as is.

That tune - yes, I remember
the sounds are like a soft snowfall, gentle raindrops,
sometimes a chilly night, a warm summer day...
It feels the way it sounds.

I remember the words, the sights, the sounds,
the tones, the chord changes
The tune remains familiar, hoping that
it never fades away.......

The tune is indeed familiar,
It's the rhythm of the Life and the Love
that you've left with me,
I play it often and hear it deep
within my soul.....
An endless melody.

The tune - the song of your life,
I'm in love with this melody,
it's stuck in my head and
carved into my heart.....
Your Life's Melody.

When I see a flower bloom,
I hear the melody.
The sound of the birds singing,
I hear the melody.
Fresh air and sometimes, baked bread
this music ...this melody;
The rhythm during a rainfall,
Drip, Drop....three, four.

The melody, the sound,
the rhythm...
My heartbeat keeps the rhythm
to the melody that plays forever
of your Life.... in mine; Your Life's Melody.

copyright© 2011 Brenda Gale

Monday, November 21, 2011

I Live.......

The day is beautiful and life is good. During this season, the grass is not as green, yet my feet are still above the ground and on this grass. The air has a chill, yet the sun shines brightly, so I breathe and I don't complain.  The days now seem shorter, but nothing has changed about the span of time.  The day is still beautiful and life is still good.  I'm thankful.....I'm experiencing.....I'm recalling, remembering and  planning.....I live.....I live.....I choose and I Live!

copyright© 2011 Brenda Gale

(Painting artist Unknown) -orangebaobabafricaart

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