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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Who are you believing in?

Image result for image of soaring eagle

Do you recall the last time you achieved a goal because someone had expectations that you would?  Do you think having someone in your corner who believes in you helped with that attainment?  Well, you've surely heard the old adage that "no man is an island" and "it takes a village." Well, those aren't just old cliches that should be ignored.  We all need help and we all do better when we know someone has our back....someone believes in us....someone cares.

The next time a young child shares a dream or a curiosity with you....don't shrug it off and don't you dare discourage them.  If it brewed up from within their spirit and they were courageous enough to verbalize and share it with you, well then, perhaps they're believing in you enough to believe in them and cosign on their dream and belief in themselves.  Be the wind beneath their wings....cheer them on.....Set the expectation of achievement with them and watch them soar.  Even if they miss the mark....they will continue to chase what's inside of them, knowing that someone has their back and believes that Yes They Can....Yes They Will!

Now, get out there...Keep Believing in Yourself....and Cheer Others on as well!
