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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Experience something new

Are you missing the small details? Are you not taking full advantage of what life has to offer? Have you found yourself stuck in the same old routine? Perhaps it's time to switch gears. Experience something new! - Try a new haircut....a different vacation alternate route for your daily walk/jog, shop at a different store, change your coffee/tea, etc. Most importantly, start viewing life differently. Open your eyes and pay attention to the tiny details of life. You'll be surprised at the beauty that you've been missing. Something new....something different, interesting, Amazing....Try it!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Choose Wisely

Choices = Experiences! Each time you choose, you're programming a life experience for yourself and those involved in your life. Your thoughts are a part of your subconscious choices. If you're thinking negative're drawing negative responses to your outcomes, so that your experience is directly related to what YOU are choosing. The opposite also holds true. Your experience is directly related to your ability to make wise choices. All it takes sometimes is a few seconds to change the outcome of your experience.  Each experience you've had/ are having/ will have is directly tied to a choice that YOU made/will make. Think..............and then Choose....Wisely! That is your freedom.

- "A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses." - James Allen

Monday, May 21, 2012

What do YOU Believe?

How's the Winner in YOU?  It's a great week to "Make it Happen" - toss fear, breathe deeply, hold your head up, knock down the giants, maintain your confidence and step boldly in the direction of your dreams/purpose! The universe supports only what YOU Believe you are capable of achieving! It's time to mute the voices of naysayers and those who continue to discourage your dreams and try to steer you in the direction of a path that leads you to support of perhaps, their ambitions for your life, but does your purpose no good! Be loyal to the dreams that you have...the purpose that you are destined for/that you were created to manifest and Believe in YOU for a change!

 - "You have to risk going too far to discover just how far you can really go." - Jim Rohn
- If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. - Mark 9:23

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Symbols dancing and responding
to my emotions
Clouds forming, sometimes raining
down my tears.
Dusk appearing and starting
a new cycle
Of remembering what
once was and what
could have been.
Symbols dancing and responding
to my happiness
flowers blooming and reflecting
all life's beauty
Sunshine beaming
and warming hearts that have been cold
Soft wind blowing
stirring and refreshing more
of what I've learned, what
I've lost, what I've found,
What I've loved.
Symbols dancing
reminding me
of life
of good
of Love.
© 2012 Brenda Gale

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Another day

 Here's another opportunity to start a project, finish a project or scrap a project that's not working and move on to something else. If you can solve a problem, go ahead and do that....if you can lend a helping hand....reach out.....If you meet someone who appears sad or sounds angry.....chances are, they need a Hug and a Smile ~ I'm betting you can supply both. Everyone you meet is moving in love or fear. Once you've established where they stand, you can either add to the love that is already being energized or be the love that shows up to remove their fear. Tune in today and be the light in dark places! 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Accept and Embrace

Today, may you be recognize the answers to your questions, solutions to your problems, light at the end of the tunnel, peace that passes all understanding and unconditional love. Once you've recognized the answers, solutions, light, peace and love......simply open your heart and arms ......Accept & Embrace them all! Live, Laugh and Love today!© 2012 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Facebook nearing a record setting IPO

So, Facebook is scheduled to sell shares in what is deemed to be a record initial public offering for an internet company. If you're in a position to purchase stocks, why wouldn't you? After the IPO, stocks will trade on Nasdaq under the symbol FB. Facebook’s IPO, scheduled for May 17, plans to raise as much as $11.8 billion and values the operator of the world’s most popular social networking site at as much as $96 billion. Investors in the sale are betting the company’s database of 526 million daily active users makes it worth about 99 times the net income earned in the 12 months through March 31. So, again, I ask.....If you're in a position to purchase stocks when they start trading......why wouldn't you? Call your broker. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What never changes

As we live and learn and go deeper into the understanding that Love is at the heart of things, we begin to recognize and function in our full potential. We move into a place where we begin to understand what never really changes and this becomes the key to living in a world that does change. Your eternal self / love dwells in all eternity. Some things never change. The present is what's real and the existence of all love that is becomes your eternity; all love that was experienced as a memory becomes the ever-present eternal truth within you. It's always there....always with you. It never changes ... never dies. The world and manifestations to human touch and sight will pass away, but the eternal truth of love always lives. You are love; you will be recalled as love; you should be experienced as love; you should be living love and pouring out the love in you! © 2012 Brenda Gale

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rain dance

Rain never hurt nobody
Rain cleanses the pain
Tears will also do the same
Just dance in the rain.

Dance and cry 
Laugh and sigh
Flowers survive
So will you and I.

Recognize your pain
Dance in the rain
Acknowledge that it's real
Go ahead and feel what you feel.

Move past the turmoil, disappointments and pain
Remember the sunshine
comes after the rain and the 
Rainbow appears after you've
danced in the rain.
© 2012 Brenda Gale

How often have you beat yourself up thinking that making a life-changing decision is bad? It's not a bad thing, even if the decision turns out to appear 'wrong' in the beginning. Change is what it's about. Change is natural. Oftentimes, we think sticking around, hanging on to something dead serves some noble purpose, when in actuality it does not! What it causes is a slow, miserable, unaccomplished arena, where growth is almost impossible and survival is what it becomes versus genuinely living and that's the decision that is always 'wrong' - Only you know what's dead in your environment, and only YOU can make a decision to make a change in your own life. Your ideas, courage and life depends on YOU making a decision! - What do you need to change today?♥

(“Change is not a threat, it’s an opportunity. Survival is not the goal, transformative success is.” - Seth Godin)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Life really is only a test.....

 Life is a test, so don't be so hard on yourself as you journey. Most people are getting extremely frustrated thinking that this is a destination. It's a journey to learn how to grow each and every single day, through each challenge. View each challenge as an opportunity to become stronger in an area that you find difficulty in. Shift your perception, and receive the challenge as weight-lifting for strength. Meet each day expecting to learn something new, to overcome an obstacle or to simply recognize, that 'it's not that serious'......Life really is a test. Be thankful that you are challenged, otherwise.....your brain doesn't get exercised....and that's when the trouble begins! - Have a lovely and figuring it out....You become the Master of your own destiny.....learn the lesson and keep moving forward!© 2012 Brenda Gale

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Love is its own reward. ~ You can control the choice of intentionally focusing on being a loving soul. Become a source of kindness, love and willingness to help where you can avail yourself. Your emphasis should be on what you're giving, not what you expect to receive....You receive, as you're giving. ~ Love is its own reward! Enjoy the harvest  ~ you control the planting!
© 2012 Brenda Gale

Thursday, May 3, 2012

There are still so many things for you to much that you're curious about. You can hear the calls beckoning within your soul. Only you can hear the still, small voice and only you can make the choice to 'answer'....... You've been listening for days, months, years.....Don't miss out on the adventure by not responding. Don't leave here with the music/idea/art/cause still in your head. Blossom like the flowers in spring....they always heed the call in their due season. Don't miss your life....don't cheat your soul. 

(It is the soul's duty to be loyal to its own desires. It must abandon itself to its master passion. - Dame Rebecca West)

National Day of Prayer

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Welcoming May!

Welcoming the month of May is an exciting time for me.  I love it because everything seems to be blooming, the sun is shining and the weather is warming for those outdoor activities. It's a great time to clear the clutter from your life that you didn't get around to at the beginning of spring and to be conscious about moving forward and blossoming into your Best Self!

Get out, enjoy the sunshine....go for a long walk, go antiquing, do something absolutely silly that doesn't harm anyone else.  Laugh, sing, dance, paint.......Have a blast and don't apologize for blooming into your beautiful self.

Welcome to a new month.....let it be a new chapter in your life.  A good chapter....a happy chapter.....a chapter blossoming with Great Expectations. Happy May!