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Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year, 2013

Happy New Year Everyone! Be Safe on arrival, crossing the threshold into 2013 ~ Make peace with yesterday and rest only in life's present moments. Don't carry the burden of yesterday into your atmosphere moving forward, for it weighs you down. Affirm only Positive Energy.....Release worries and stop searching outside for answers ....Everything that you need is 'Inside' ..... Love yourself more this year than you did last year and your capacity to extend that love will increase towards others .... Seek within, for The Kingdom is Within YOU! Peace, Love & Blessings in 2013!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy Kwanzaa

Kwanzaa is a week-long holiday honoring African culture and traditions. It falls between December 26 and January 1 each year. Maulana Karenga, an African-American leader, proposed this observance and it was first celebrated between December 1966 and January 1967.

 Kwanzaa is a holiday honoring the culture and traditions of people of African origin. It is celebrated by people from a range of African countries and their descendants. Kwanzaa consists of a week of celebrations, which ends with a feast and the exchange of gifts. During the celebrations, candles are lit and libations are poured. A libation is the name given to a ritual pouring of a drink as an offering to a god. During Kwanzaa, a wooden unity cup is used to pour the libations.

A Kwanzaa ceremony often also includes performance of music and drumming, a reflection on the Pan-African colors of red, green and black and a discussion of some aspect of African history. Women often wear brightly colored traditional clothing. Some cultural organizations hold special exhibitions of African influenced art or performances during the period of the celebrations.
Originally the people observing Kwanzaa did not mix any elements of other festivals into their celebrations. However, in recent years, it has become increasingly common for people to mix elements of Kwanzaa with Christmas or New Year celebrations. For instance, a family may have both a Christmas tree and a Kwanzaa candle stick on display in their home. This enables them to include both Christian and African inspired traditions in their lives at this time of year.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Season's Greetings.......Merry Christmas!

May the spirit of this season bring you closer to the ones you love and may you find peace throughout the coming year.  Reach out and touch somebody's hand....make this world a better place if you can!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Heartfelt condolences.......

Photo: Take nothing for granted ...... Be mindful .... Reach Out and share Love and spread Hope in order to heal this broken world! <3 Heartfelt prayers and condolences to the family and friends of the victims in the horrific massacre in Newtown, CT.  May we never take anything for granted. Pay attention to those around you who are screaming for help in subtle ways.  Reach Out....Spread Love.....Offer Hope to this broken world!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Being in the Present Moment....

When simply 'Being' becomes the order of the day, you'll gain a world of power.  When you can relax in the present moment of recognizing that your next breath is a miracle, you become conscious and you display Gratitude more often.  Recognize the present moment as a gift.....learn to appreciate the moments when you are genuinely present to relax, breathe, laugh, think, cry, feel, love and simply 'Be'..... Appreciate the times that will soon become memories. The order of the day is: Be in the Present Moment..........

Friday, December 7, 2012

Your Life, your Song......

Photo: Don't lose your melody, don't change the's your should sing it and dance to it. Nobody hears the rhythm quite like you do, when it's for you and coming from you. It's your life, you should live it! Peace & Love on the journey! <3

There will always be inspiration that stirs within you and only you can hear the sounds, the words, the rhythm...the melody. The inspiration is divine and for you.  It's the call on your life........It's the part of you that defines the meaning of who and what you bring, that yearns to be released and shared.  It truly is your life. It's your gift.....your divine blessing.  Don't allow others to define the melody that your life should be swaying to.  Only you can hear the melody......only you can write the perfect lyrics and you should be singing it....dancing to it and Living it Out Loud.  It's your Life.....Live it!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Still Blooming....

Oh well, since the weather can't seem to make up its mind, my roses have decided to wake up and play in the sunshine a bit more. A few nights ago, I had to go out and cover the shrubs because of the danger of frost with the temps dropping into near freezing, but lately the temps have  been in the low 70's, so these beauties decided to wake up and flaunt their brilliance a bit longer.  I simply love watching them grow.....Roses!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Recipe for Success: "Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing." - William A. Ward

Trust the Truth....

Photo: Tuesday seems like a good day to hone in on the voices that might be leading you in the wrong direction and to build up the muscle needed to silence those voices that cause pride to rise up and bring about ruin and chaos. Ego has a way of making you choose foolishly, so try to dial into the part of your soul that will protect you from yourself. Learn to recognize when ego has entered in ....Trust Yourself....Your is here to protect you, if you only believe it 'the first time'......don't second-guess.......Trust the source that is here to guide and protect you......the God-source, the real place......The Truth....instruction from within your soul! Peace and Love on the journey!
Today seems like a good day to hone in on the voices that might be leading you in the wrong direction and to build up the muscle needed to silence those voices that cause pride to rise up and bring about ruin and chaos. Ego has a way of making you choose foolishly, so try to dial into the part of your soul that will protect you from yourself. Learn to recognize when ego has entered in ....Trust Yourself....Your is here to protect you, if you only believe it 'the first time'......don't second-guess.......Trust the source that is here to guide and protect you......the God-source, the real place......The Truth....instruction from within your soul!

Monday, December 3, 2012

What are you reflecting......

Welcome to a wonderful, new December week!   Take inventory in the coming days to see what might need to be pruned, enhanced or expanded upon in your life. What is being reflected in your environment? Oftentimes, if we are displaying bitterness, bitterness will be reflected in our lives....if we are dishonest, deceptive and cruel, these attitudes and behaviors are also reflected. 
If Love, Kindness, Patience, Service and empathy are part of our lifestyle, this will be a reflection of our environment. So.....take inventory and notice what is normal in your surroundings? You play a crucial role in how people are treating you, by sending a clear message which will ultimately be reflected back. If you want Respect....Respect Yourself......If you want kindness, Be Kind....etc., - Be What you are seeking! Today and Always, Reflect Love and Peace......and see how it affects your surroundings. If the opposite is being returned....there is work to do and you get to call the shots (pruning, expanding, deleting....correcting) - It's all about the man (woman) in the begins with YOU! - Have an Awesome week! - Peace & Love on the journey!