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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How Bad Do You Want It we are.....the last day of the year.  Were you able to achieve the goals that you set for 2014? Anything leftover.....left out.....unfinished.....never started?

If you have a list and few things have been checked off as 'completed'....well, perhaps you simply didn't want it bad enough.  We kid ourselves year after year...making resolutions...promising to start the business, lose the more forgiving, etc., blah, blah, blah and we come up short at the end of the year.

The question should be: Do I Want THIS (whatever that is) Bad Enough? If not.....quit kidding yourself.  You will only put into ACTION what you BELIEVE you are truly capable of doing....all of the dream-stuff/wish-list crap is just that......dreams.  The actual "doing" is the proof of your belief. we are....the last day of the year.....What are you truly willing to give up to get what you want in the coming new year?  Don't do it for the wrong reason or it will never get done.  Be on Purpose about your goals....write them down ...have a concise plan for execution.  Don't just wish it....Envision it and get in motion, bringing it to fruition.

The question:  How Bad Do You Want It? Prove it to Yourself......

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday, December 15, 2014

Be Still and Listen

When all the world is swirling you into confusion and you can't recall which way to turn, you must quiet yourself and listen for your next move.  Trust that intuition/spirit will guide you purposely into divine peace and direction.

Recall the vision that was revealed when you first decided to  start the business, write the book, lose the weight/exercise/change your diet/quit smoking,'s still there, planted inside....just tossed into confusion with other distractions.

Never doubt your 'first mind' - Never second-guess the answer that rings clearly with peace attached.
Be Still and Listen....Just Listen and get back in gear.  Finish the year strong......Be Still and Listen.