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Friday, June 29, 2012

Answers to Questions...

Living the questions recognize the answers
Loving the journey of
...patiently waiting.

Waiting, with action the questions, for
Answers are seeking...
....seeking to find me.

I remain open
to solutions and answers
...For I know they will find me, if I'm
Living the questions.
© 2012 Brenda Gale

JC Rademas, First Black Podcaster to Broadcast From an Active War Zone

Afghanistan (June 28, 2012) -- This groundbreaking podcast program, Inside the Wire Live from Afghanistan with J.C. Rademas, discusses living in Afghanistan with a wide range of civilian and military guests. These are live conversations with service members and civilians living, working and fighting in Afghanistan - a very active war zone, which from a soldier's perspective, shows no sign of ending. Podcasts discuss where the guests came from, how they got to Afghanistan, how they cope with living there and the isolation from civilization, their family, friends and the country they call home. The podcast shows are comic relief, uncensored and unscripted. - Full story: JC Rademas, First Black Podcaster to Broadcast From an Active War Zone

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Summer!

Welcome to Summer! It's time to put away the heaviness and lighten the load.  Get out, walk, sit, dance, jump, swim, plant......breathe! It's time to come alive.....pack away the doldrums of winter and the uncertainty of spring, minus the blooms, and start anew.......Gather the energy that's needed to live again.......gain enough hope to move to the next level in your life.  Welcome to Summer ~ Enjoy ~ Don't miss the fun of this season in your life!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Celebrating Juneteenth

Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, is a holiday in the United States honoring African American heritage by commemorating the announcement of the abolition of slavery in the U.S. State of Texas in 1865. Celebrated on June 19, the term is a portmanteau of June and nineteenth, and is recognized as a state holiday or state holiday observance in 41 states of the United States.

"Life has no limitations, except the ones you make." - Les Brown

Monday, June 11, 2012


Make a decision, just choose
Quit thinking about it,
You've thought long enough
Do you even know what you
want, what you need...

Make a decision, move on
move out, move in..
Choose and then start
creating something
that matters to you,
to others.

Make a decision
It's time....
Choose to
Do something
Quit thinking and
© 2012 Brenda Gale

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


 Fall in love with your practice and compromise it for nothing in exchange on your path to greatness.  ~ Lose track of time when immersed in practice of your love for a thing, a craft, a art-form.  Give it attention.....nurture it so that it grows. What have you found that has no attachments to time? Practice deserves glory......Practice can make the difference between good and better and better and great! Go for the gusto - the Love in the moment of doing the thing! Practice....use it or lose it.

Find and Go Past the Edge......Again and Again!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Be Magnificent!

Be Magnificent! You come from a magnificent source, therefore you should be transcending as a reflection of that higher, magnificent beauty! - Align your consciousness with your intended outcome - Soar into your greatness!

(What your heart thinks is great, is great. The soul's emphasis is always right. - Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Choose the end from the Beginning

Each day, you get to shape your realities and your life experiences by your conscious/subconscious thoughts and your intentions. As with cause and effect, whenever you participate in a cause, you are in actuality, participating in the effect. Whenever a seed is planted, a harvest will eventually spring forth. Whenever there is manipulation and an honest intent is not at the root, the results and negativity of that act/cause will be a negative outcome, experience/effect.

Look around and take inventory of your environment, your friends, associates, business partners, etc. Is there an energy of positivity or negativity, of regrets, resentments? This is all a part of the environment which you have participated in, either by your tolerance or your intentional mindset of creating a space filled with love energy and all things good. There will be natural circumstances that are out of your control,  however, you are always in control of how you are experiencing/perceiving the world around you.  

There is a saying, "If a fool looks into a mirror, a sage will not look out."  - Your environment is a reflection of what you are creating.  It becomes a matter of: what is being created here. A reflection in the mirror won't change, until what is reflected changes. In other words, for some of us, we may have to ''change our stinkin' thinkin.''

Become conscious of your thoughts and your intentions. You are projecting onto the world, a reflection of your internal consciousness.  There will be times when a thing won't change, but simply accept that and start seeing it in a different light. Change the way you are seeing it and the experience becomes less stressful.

Are you intentional about what you want today, this life? Cause and Effect........You are a part of the outcome/the experience. Closely align your intentions with the experience that you would like to be a part of. Imagine the probable end, at the beginning. Choose the proper seeds for the intended harvest.
© 2012 Brenda Gale