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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Time to Observe....Time to Wake Up!

You gain a wealth of valuable information about a person by simply observing, as opposed to asking questions.  It's good to pose questions for information that's purely objective, but when you're wanting to gain a foothold into the core soul of a person's character and where their values lie, simply pay attention to how they're responding to the world around them.  Watch the choices they're making and the agreements that they co-sign to.

I've been amazed, but not surprised, by some of the comments and attitudes I've had the opportunity to observe from people who have the neat little hypocritical facades on during the normal course of their day.  All I can do is say "Wow"....this is truly who you are.  Now, the ego has played a great deal into the illusion of who most people have settled into being and it's such a sad state.

A person who only tags onto agreeing with the opinions that someone else has formed for them, has given up  thinking for themselves.  They feel that despite any common sense of what's being presented, with compassion and humanity, they would still prefer to tagline with the opinions of someone whom the media or cultural generations have presumed has the most appropriate/right way of doing things.

It's time that people wake up and learn to have a conscience of their own.....quit being so lazy and research and figure out that some things simply are 'just not right'.....It doesn't take a clown at a circus with a big red nose or floppy ears and big shoes to convince you that he looks funny, so why must you wait to be told when to laugh.  Do the work.....grow up......mature in wisdom......gain compassion.....accept truth......respect humanity and become better.....release ego and adopt non-judgemental lifestyles.   Do the work within and you'll be observed/and can, in turn, observe and discern and be received as a compassionate, honest, truthful and caring human being. It's really time to Wake Up!

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